Folding die EV-F

Die EV-F W8/30° R2,5 1250 A product photo
Die EV-F W8/30° R2,5 1250 A product photo cad_picture_isometric L
Die EV-F W8/30° R2,5 1250 A product photo
Die EV-F W8/30° R2,5 1250 A product photo cad_picture_isometric L

Folding die EV-F

This product can be individually configured after Login.


  • A permanent laser marking contains all important information about the tool.
  • Each tool can be clearly identified by using the Data Matrix Code.
  • The working areas are laser-hardened.

Advantages of the folding die

  • Only one punch required for all EV-F dies
  • Safety ensured by the stop edge on the die
  • Larger radius possible on the die (protection of laminated sheets)
  • Short setup time - all punches up to 500 mm with Safety-Click
  • No I axis required
  • Fast folding possible on the TruBend Series 5000 and 7000

Technical data

Compatible with my machines